"(Senator Hughes) is a tough nut, she will be OK. "It is important we all lead from the top," she told Sky News. Senator Amanda Stoker said it was important to get the culture within Parliament House right. The comments also came a day after a Liberal senator was accused of making dog noises towards another female parliamentarian. The senator then returned to apologise to Senator Hughes and unreservedly take back her comments. Senator Thorpe initially withdrew the comment saying "I just got a view of something over there that disturbed me". Liberal senator Ben Small called out Senator Thorpe's interjection on the Senate floor, saying the "outrageous" comment ranked at the top of "the scheme of disgusting statements made in this chamber". It also revealed some of the worst bullying was woman on woman.

The designers, developers, and players of Liberal Crime Squad neither advocate nor condone this behavior. "Senator Thorpe needs to think about how she engages with senators." The review, conducted by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins, detailed a leadership deficit, where disrespectful behaviour "comes from the top". Any person who attempts to perform the activities described in the game in the real world is silly and will probably go to jail for a very, very long time assuming they dont die in the process. Added shift + click on base inventory screen when transferring items to another base to send the entire stack to the selected base. "I hope people in this place take stock over the Christmas break," she said. 307 days ago by The Cheshire Cat ( 12SecondHorror) Added shift + click on shop screen to add/remove an entire item stack from the sell view or cart. "But when someone invokes someone's child, I think they have crossed a line." READ MORE: Senator Hughes also expressed her disappointment the comments were made a day after a landmark review into Parliament House's culture was handed down. "Have a go at me all you want to, I could not care less," she told Sky News on Thursday. She had called Senator Thorpe's stunt in Question Time a disgrace after the Greens senator interjected an answer about the national disability insurance scheme and stormed out in protest at Indigenous deaths in custody. Senator Hughes says she took the comments as a shot at her son who has autism, not as a slut shaming slur. Greens senator Lidia Thorpe directed the comment her in the chamber on Wednesday, leading to an outcry from coalition benches.

Liberal senator Hollie Hughes says she was dumbfounded to hear a senator reportedly tell her "At least I keep my legs shut" in the Senate.